Friday, March 27, 2009

Speaking of rednecks...

So SPRING is finally here. Hopefully to stay. Yesterday we spent the morning at the park and it was glorious. Sharks walked all the way there and back, pretty much without incident. (One being that he had to go potty so I just took him behind a tree and pulled down his pants and let him take care of business. Not sure if that's ok to do, but no one was around, and if no one saw, well, who's to know that I'm a closet redneck...And the other incident being that he did get tired and just plopped down on the sidewalk, but since we were almost home I pointed out our house and he rallied his little legs and trotted home.)
I am amazed at how sponge-like his little brain is. I guess that's why it's important to fill it with Scripture, hymns, etc. right now while it's easy for him. Like on our walk, we saw some daffodils which Sharks pointed out and said, "Sythia." It took me a minute, but I realized he was calling it 'forsythia' which I had showed him the day before. I had told him it forsythia was a yellow he took that to mean all yellow flowers. Cute cute.

So on that note, I am looking for good music for Sharks and Deedo to listen to. Right now we only have one decent kids' cd, and I really want to fill their heads with age-appropriate stuff, not, um, pop music. Not that Sharks happens to know any of that. Right. Anyway, Sharks loves to sing so I think some good Scripture cds would be great...I just don't know of any that won't drive me crazy (not cause of Scripture, cause they're cheesy). Any ideas?

(For some reason, the Blogger won't split this into the paragraphs I typed. It just combines them all into one big one. I can see the paragraphs when I type, but when I look at the preview and when I post, it's all together. I have no clue how to fix that.)


Michael and Mandy said...

Just a warning - that behind the tree thing may come back to bite you in the ars. Olivia was at the park with her grandparents this week and said, "I'm going to go find a tree." They thought nothing of it - whatever. Mike turned around just in time to see her pulling her pants down by a tree in broad view!

Johny Breggar and Elizabeth Mitchell are good - though not hymns - just old time songs my grandma used to sing.

Emily said...

Hi! Emily Littleton here. Just saw your link on Ashley's blog and thought I'd share our favorite children's CD. Super fun for kids and adults. Good Christian values and just silly songs. It's called Slugs and Bugs and Lullabies:

I hear so much about your baby boys. Can't wait to meet them in July!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Shh, don't tell anyone, but I tell Drew to pee behind the trees at the park.


brite said...

We're all about trees, except now that #2 is a girl it's not really an option. We had to walk home from the park yesterday to remedy a situation...a tree would have been super handy!

I know Tiffany has several cds she really likes. So far the cds that have words worth listening to aren't something I want to hear over and over every day. But of course we still do lots of Judy Rogers and Jamie Soles. And I just tolerate it knowing that my kids are hearing great doctrine.

HumbuckerChapell said...

To put breaks in paragraphs, try putting this between them as you type.

The HTML should put a couple line breaks in.