Friday, March 6, 2009

Read It and Wait

I love love love to read. I'm kinda obsessed. In a typical week I read at least 2 - sometimes 3 - books (if they're modern fiction) and maybe 1 book if it's a classic (those take me a little longer). I am trying to read through a list of 100 classics but I seem to keep getting sidetracked by all the books in the library. And by bookclub. And by recommendations from friends. (Did I mention that I really like reading?) The only problem is that I forget a lot of what I read and that is lame lame lame. Plus I compare myself to Chet who seems to remember every word he has ever read (so maybe that's why law school is kinda his 'thing'). Anyway, in an attempt to help myself remember, I am going to try to write and post a book review each week. I am still working out exactly how to write a book review (you'd think I'd know that already. ahem. English major here. ) So get ready. Book review coming soon.

And if you have any to write a review, books you've enjoyed, books you want me to read first and review to determine whether you should read it...send 'em my way.

P.S. When I say I love to read, I mean I love to read fiction and the occasional memoir. Nonfiction...not so much. So if you recommend a nonfiction book, I'll probably say that it sounds interesting, and ask you to write a review to determine whether I should read it. But recommend fiction and I'll go check it out. Really, I will.


Michael and Mandy said...

Okay, since you already have 3 strikes against you from the car incident and apparently owe Chet, I'm going to go ahead and let the cat out of the bag that he told us about your blog. Plus, I am at a safe distance and don't have to worry about getting hit in the crossfire. Nice work here. I will enjoy keeping up. And I will enjoy the free service of the book reviews - thank you very much.

HumbuckerChapell said...

The Red Tent by ???

No clue if it is fiction but I'm going to wager that it is...

Also, earlier: chillins. Made me laugh because that is definitely the word I was looking for Friday night. Yikes my vocabulary is poor. Also my grammar.