Friday, January 8, 2010

The Great Indoors

Other than the nothing much happening here, there is the snow that is causing the nothing much. Going out is much more work than staying in, so guess what? We're staying in (mostly.) We did get the boys all bundled up yesterday to play in the snow (which took a loooonnng time) for them to play in the snow for a whopping 10 minutes. But it's all about the experience, right? (I do have some pictures...will post them later.)

Though today, after a week of staying in the house, I finally ventured out with the kids to run errands. At the first store we went to (the Container Store - my first time there and it was amazing! though why I am in love with organizational tools is beyond me since I can't manage to stay organized for the life of me...actually that's probably why; I think things will help me when it's really my brain that needs the help) there was a family with 2 kids who were, shall we say, tantrum-ing, and to my shame I had the thought, "I am so glad my kids aren't doing that."

Well, by the time we got to REI and I was in mid-question, asking an employee for some help finding socks, Sharks had pushed Deedo onto the floor. So I had to say, thank you for your willingness to help me, but could you please excuse me while I deal with my children.

The guy was nice and stepped aside while I picked up Deeds, and got Sharks to sit on the bottom of the shelf nearest us. Then I tried again to ask my question, but Deedo was mad that I had picked him up and he started flailing his arms around and yelling "Down!" I think I had to stop the guy two more times in mid sentence to correct Deedo. It was not fun.

Perhaps this is what they call humble pie?

Staying in doesn't sound so bad after all.

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