Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two heads are better than one

So the other day at breakfast, Sharks had an epiphany: Mom! If Finn had two heads, then he could eat from BOTH at the SAME TIME!


Mooo-ving on.

Remember how not too long ago I decided to go for a run and how I was all excited about it? And then I ran another time?

Well, that was it.

So I'm giving P90X a try since it's still too cold to run outside. My plan is to do it 5 times a week for one month, then re-evaluate. A friend is doing it also, for accountability, which is kind of laughable because we've tried to be exercise buddies before and that lasted maybe 3 times?

No matter. This time we're going to Bring It! because This is the MOTHER of all P90X workouts! I mean, it's motivating the first time you hear that, but I have now realized that the guy says that for every workout, and I'm pretty sure that by tomorrow I'll be annoyed enough to chop his head off.

Anyway today is Day Two. It is hard enough to exercise on a normal day when I am feeling fine but after yesterday, which was the "Chest and Back" workout, also known as Push-up Torture, well I can hardly lift my arms and can't even imagine exerting the energy to put in the dvd.

My arms are so dead that it was painful to switch the baby from one side to the other when he was nursing last night. Right about then I was wishing for a two-headed baby.


Jonesey said...

Oh my word. I love you.

Rock on Mama Hutch, You can do it!!!

Leah said...

I'm right there with ya! I'm on my second day of P90X and it hurts to do anything with my upper body.

HumbuckerChapell said...

Pilates for Dummies?

I'd say we are doing pretty good this time around!