Sunday, May 3, 2009

Choo choo!!

We got Sharks these trains for his birthday, but without any tracks. They are battery powered, and we figured he could just turn them on and let them race or something. But he was not into it. I think he thought the trains were alive and too much like little bugs crawling towards him. (Not a big fan of bugs, our little Hutch).

So I finally got him some tracks. The whole rest of the day he just sat there and watched them go around and around the tracks. He loved them. In fact, he actually said, "I wuv Percy! I wuv Wennie!" (His trains are the Percy and Rheneas ones.)

Vewwy cute. Though now I need to teach him what love really means. ;)

1 comment:

ArtTxLinds said...

yes, like the fact that he loves Aunt Favorite (a.k.a. me)