Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weirdo runs in the family

Ever have one of those moments when you look at your children and you think, Wow. They are only 3 and 2. How did they get so weird already?

The boys have been doing this thing where after they go to the bathroom but before they put their pants back on, they pull their shirts down over their knees and waddle around like ducks. Except.

They call it Playing Naked Mole Rat.

So they are like, Mommy! Mommy! Don't put my pants on yet! I want to be a Naked Mole Rat.

See what I mean? Weird.


Jonesey said...

That is awesome. I think you should encourage it :)

What a great name, they are obviously learning a lot over there and they are only 3 and 2!

Emily said...

wow, your kids are awesome!