Monday, February 22, 2010

What a day

Today I made a delicious looking chicken pot pie to take to a friend who just had a baby. (Super cute baby, by the way.) Then on my way over to deliver it, it slid off the front seat and smashed on the floor. Totally unsalvageable.

On the plus side, I was thankful that at least I had bought the crust. If I'd made it myself there would have been tears.

Also on the plus side, when I got home I brought the floor mat from the car inside and scraped off the top layer of the pot pie. And yes, I sure did eat it. Take that, you naughty car and chicken pot pie. Even though you conspired against me, at least someone got dinner out of my mishap.

Now it's 1am and I am still awake and I don't know why. So I looked it up on webmd and self diagnosed myself with heartburn-squirmy baby-sweet tea-2 hour nap-and general uncomfortableness-induced insomnia.

I should probably try to sleep now before I accidentally demolish anything else.


HumbuckerChapell said...

Bummer day... what recipe do you use?

Lori said...

So Sorry about the chicken pot pie! You go girl for salvaging the top of it! :)