Monday, November 8, 2010

So the littlest knows I haven't forgotten

Buddy-o Numero 3:

You started crawling at 6 months. Crawling. At 6 months. In the amount of time it took to wrap our minds around that, you had already figured out how to pull up to stand.

(And we were hoping you'd take your time.)

After pulling a French press of freshly brewed coffee off the counter at a friend's house at 3 months of age, you have wrenched the title of Reach Master from your brother. Just the other day, you knocked a six-pack of beer to the floor in Whole Foods. All by yourself. Shattered glass, shmattered glass.

(Not embarrassing at all.)

However. Your favorite way to explore is with your mouth. To date you have eaten/attempted to eat: grass, leaves, a piece of bacon (oops), gum wrapper (don't ask where I found it), paper, a lego, and fringes from an area rug (now that was a sight).

And you continue to be the sweetest baby ever. Your brothers were wonderful too, but Finn, you are always laughing, even when we are only saying your name. You already have a sense of humor.

As Sharks says, "You are our little precious." (Lord of the Rings, anyone? That's not at all creepy.)


HumbuckerChapell said...



Lori said...

I love that last pic of him! Also love what Sharks! :)